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Risk assessment of pressure ulcers in children by means of the braden q scale

A measure of pressure ulcer risk that has been validated and modified for use in NICUs and PICUs.


To assess the risk of developing pressure ulcers in children.


Braden Q pressure ulcer risk assessment scale.


– Preserve patient privacy. – Inform parents – Ask the parents to cooperate – Assess the child’s risk of pressure ulcer using the Braden Q scale. – Record in nursing documentation: score obtained through the child’s risk assessment, date and time.


– Studies show that PUs in children admitted to PICU are most frequently located in: head (especially occiput), ear, chest and sacrum. – The Braden Q has been designed to be applied to pediatric patients under 5 years of age; for patients older than 5 years, the use of the Braden scale is recommended.

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