Preparation and delivery of prescribed medications intradermally and evaluation of patient response.
– To administer prescribed medication to the patient intradermally for diagnostic purposes.
– Trough. – Sharps container.
– Prescribed medication. – Medical treatment sheet with the prescribed medication.
– Disposable gloves. – 1 Intradermal needle. – 1 hypodermic syringe. – Cotton swab. – Colorless antiseptic. – Marker pen. – Nursing records.
– Perform hand washing. – Follow general rules in the administration of medication. – Prepare the medication (correctly prepare the dose from an ampoule or vial). – Determine the patient’s knowledge of the medication and understanding of the method of administration. – Put on gloves. – Place the patient in the Fowler or sitting position with the elbow and forearm extended and resting on a flat surface. – Select puncture site and examine the skin for contusions, edema, lesions. The anterior aspect of the forearm is used. In children, scapulae, anterior and upper face of the thorax below the clavicles. – Clean the area with cotton impregnated with colorless antiseptic. Make circular movements in an area of 5 cm from the inside to the outside. – Allow the antiseptic to dry. – Stretch the skin over the puncture site with the thumb and forefinger. – Insert the needle so that the bevel is upwards at an angle of 15-20º. – Advance the needle slowly and parallel to the skin tissue, so that the bevel of the needle can be seen through the skin tissue for approximately 3mm. – Inject the medication slowly until a vesicle is formed. – Withdraw the needle without compressing or rubbing the vesicle. – Do not rub or massage the area. – Leave the patient in a comfortable position. – Collect the sharp material and deposit it in the container according to the waste segregation criteria. – Remove gloves. – Wash hands. – Record: medication administered, dose, route, date and time, incidents and patient response.
– Used for tuberculin test (Mantoux) and for allergy tests. Small amounts (0.01-0.1 ml) are administered. – In the tuberculin test, the area selected for application should be shaved, with little pigmentation, it should not be applied over a vein (the best area is the antecubital region of the forearm, 4 fingers above the wrist joint). After the injection of the tuberculin, circle with a marker pen the vesicle formed and program the dates and times of reading of the test. Take the reading at 48 and/or 72 hours. Measure with a ruler the diameter of induration in mm (less than or equal to 5mm no reaction; 5mm-9mm doubtful; greater than or equal to 9mm positive).[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]