To provide oral and written information to the patient and family, subcutaneous reservoir carrier.
To educate the patient and family about the purpose, care and maintenance of the subcutaneous reservoir.
– Nursing records. – Informative triptych on the care of the subcutaneous reservoir.
– Preserve the patient’s privacy. – Inform the patient of the procedure to be performed. – Ask the patient and family to cooperate. – Explain the implantation method and the advantages of the device. – Instruct the patient and family to consult the nurse if portal displacement, swelling, hematoma, redness or increased sensitivity is observed. – Instruct the patient and family in detecting and reporting signs and symptoms of reservoir fragmentation or embolization: dyspnea, chest pain or palpitations. – Instruct the patient and family in the maintenance of the device. – Instruct the patient to always carry the card that identifies him/her as a reservoir holder. – Determine if the patient and family understand the purpose, care and maintenance of the device. – Instruct the patient to consult with his nurse or physician before engaging in physical exercise that may damage the reservoir (swimming, golf, etc.). – Provide written information on all of the above. – Record in the nursing documentation: the procedure, reason, date and time, incidents and patient response.