Systematic review of the contents of the emergency cart according to the time intervals established by the healthcare institution.
– Keep the emergency cart ready for action when needed. – Ensure the good condition of all the material in the cart including the expiration dates of all drugs and devices. – Facilitate rapid access to all material and drugs necessary for the treatment of cardiorespiratory arrest.
– Magill clamp. – Manual ventilation bag “ambu” type. – Rigid table. – Laryngoscope and spatulas numbers 2, 3, and 4. – Spare batteries for the laryngoscope. – Laryngoscope blades: pediatric and adult, straight, and curved.
– Medication and fluid therapy according to hospital center protocol. – Sterile gloves. – Bladder catheter – Aspiration probes of different sizes. – Endotracheal tubes of each number. – Fixators or guides of various sizes. – Guedel tubes of two sizes. – Bandages. – Adhesive dressings. – Allergenic plasters. – Tubes of urological lubricant. – Syringes of 5 c.c. – Syringes of 10 c.c. – Ambu mask of two sizes. – Oxygen masks and nasal oxygen goggles. – Intravenous and central line catheters. – Intravenous needles. – Fluid therapy infusion sets. – Sterile gauze packs. -Container for sharps.
– The cart should be checked after use and according to facility protocol. – Emergency carts should be located in an accessible and visible area of the unit. – During an emergency, do not immediately discard what has been administered and used because it will serve to have a control of what has been administered and thus be able to identify everything that needs to be replaced. – Compare the equipment on the cart with the list of material on the cart. – Locate all designated equipment and supplies on the cart. – Make sure the equipment is in working condition: laryngoscope is in good working order, batteries, ambu, mask, and connections. – Clean the equipment if necessary. – Check expiration date of all supplies and drugs. – Replace missing or expired supplies. – Instruct new nursing staff on the procedure for checking the cart. – Record the cart check in the appropriate log for each facility.