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Cleaning of surgical material

Set of measures for cleaning surgical material aimed at preparing such material for subsequent use or sterilization if applicable.


– To establish aseptic conditions for surgical material.


– Surgical tray. – Air guns


– Non-sterile gloves. – Gown.

– Paper bags – Water. – Detergent. – Brush or brush. – Disinfectant solution.


– Clean with water plus detergent all types of material used. – Use brush or squeegee, if necessary. – Rinse the material with plenty of water. – Immerse the washed material in disinfectant solution for a few minutes. – Rinse again with water. – Dry the material well, use air guns for narrow lumens. – Gather the material and count it. – Wrap material in transparent paper packets. – Refer to sterilization unit.


– A disinfection or sterilization process should not be carried out without a prior cleaning process. – If the material contains several parts, it should be disassembled prior to cleaning. – If the instrument cannot be cleaned immediately after use, immerse it in disinfectant solution until cleaning.

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