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Autonomous patient hygiene

Set of monitoring and evaluation activities, performed by the nurse, of the hygienic measures carried out by the patient to preserve their skin clean and in good condition.


– Prevent skin alterations. – To prevent infections. – Contribute to the physical and psychological well-being of the patient. – Stimulate blood circulation.


– Towels. – Wedge, basin. – Personal hygiene items: nail scissors, shaving material, brush, comb, cologne. – Chair or stool. – Non-slip mat.


– Clean pajamas or nightgown. – Neutral soap, moisturizing cream. – Waste bag. – Nursing records.


– Preserve the patient’s privacy. – Inform the patient. – Observe the hygiene status and assess the usual frequency of general hygiene. – Explore cultural factors that may be influencing beliefs about the meaning, frequency and manner of performing hygiene. – Communicate to the patient the need for bathing and how it is to be carried out taking into account previously detected cultural beliefs and values about hygiene. – Provide all the material necessary for hygiene. – Instruct the patient not to close the inside of the toilet in case the nurse has to help him/her. Point out the toilet buzzer and explain how it works in case the patient needs help.

– Evaluate whether the hygiene measures carried out by the patient have been effective. – Record incidents and the patient’s response in the nursing documentation.

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