Obtaining urine for 24 hours.
– To obtain sufficient volume of a day’s diuresis to evaluate the presence of metabolites so that they can be quantified.
– Trough.
– Material: – Non sterile gloves. – 1 Identification label. – 1 Graduated urine collection container. – 1 Adhesive collection bag (children and infants). – Nursing records.
– Perform hand washing. – Prepare the material. – Preserve the patient’s privacy. – Inform the patient of the procedure. – Ask the patient and family to cooperate. – Put on disposable gloves. – Explain the collection technique and collection times to the patient. – Discard the urine from the first urination in the morning. For 24-hour collections, start collection between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. the following day. – Collect all urine in a container provided to the patient. – Leave the patient in a comfortable position. – Homogenize all urine and send a sample to the laboratory. – Identify bottle and send to the laboratory with the request.
– Remove the material. – Remove gloves. – Wash hands. – Note total volume on request. – Record in nursing documentation: procedure, date and time, total volume, urine characteristics, incidents and patient response.
– The patient should drink the usual amount of liquid and not consume alcohol. – Check that the containers with the samples are perfectly closed.